Question: What do you get when 90-pound adolescent German shepherd decides to charge downhill and her five-foot-two-inch owner refuses to let go of the leash?
Answer? This.

X-ray of Tracy’s collar bone the night of the great dog-walk disaster.
I basically flew like a kite behind her and landed on my shoulder. Ouch. Big time. The ER doc told me with 100% certainty that I would need surgery. Basically, I’d end up with lots of screws and a plate I couldn’t eat off of.
Fortunately, she was wrong.
I celebrated the three-month anniversary of the incident this past Thursday by getting repeat x-rays and meeting for the third time with the shoulder surgeon. The news was good. Sort of. The collar bone has completely healed. I’m cleared to teach yoga, carry groceries, and hold Ana’s leash while trying to avoid a repeat performance.

Tracy’s broken collar bone: Another view

Three months later: All healed!
There’s only one problem: Now I have a shoulder issue. Evidently wearing a sling for five weeks did a number on my shoulder joint capsule. The surgeon was quite pleased that I’d avoided surgery, but he sent me back for six more weeks of physical therapy. I feel like Punxsutawney Phil forced into my cave for six more weeks of winter.
The good news is, this will all likely clear up with time and some effort. My 60 to 90 minutes of daily shoulder exercises aren’t ending any time soon, but I AM seeing improvement. I have less pain and more movement every day. I’m back teaching yoga at Whole Life Yoga, though I use a body double for some demonstrations, and I’ve hired a cadre of people who can help me take care of Ana whenever I need it.
Best news of all? My hubby now helps me cook Ana’s food!
Here’s hoping summer brings warmth, light and most of all, health!
Tracy Weber
My newest Downward Dog Mystery, Pre-Meditated Murder is available now in e-book and paper back copies everywhere! Check this link for some local ideas.
Well if nothing else, hubby is helping you feed Ana. So happy you are doing better and no surgery!
Thanks, Kay!
Good job Tracy! On so many fronts. It s good for Marc’s neuroplasticity to learn new tricks. Happy Spring to you . 🙂
Thanks! 😉