Category Archives: Uncategorized

It’s an Annual Blog Top 5!

Hi all!  Every year in August, I take a look at the blog posts that have been read the most in the prior 12 months.  For the past year, it’s been all about yoga!  This isn’t surprising, since I was lucky enough to have a selection of my articles  placed in several prominent yoga sites.

For your reading pleasure, here are the five articles people around the world requested the most:

If you have anything you’d like me to write about, please let me know in the comments.


Tracy Weber

My newest Downward Dog Mystery, Pre-Meditated Murder is available now  in e-book and paper back copies everywhere! Check this link for some local ideas.




Meet Ed and Lonnie. And an Excerpt from Murder Likes it Hot!

Hi all!  I’m totally swamped trying to get my sixth Downward Dog Mystery, Murder Likes it Hot finished.  The bad news is, due to my collarbone injury it’s almost a month overdue.  The good news is, I’m almost done!  I just finished the 8th draft.  One more proof read and I’ll turn it in to my editor at Midnight Ink.  If I’m lucky, I’ll finish by the time I leave for the East coast for Malice Domestic on Thursday.  If not, well, I’ll have lots to do on the flight!

Since I didn’t have time to write a blog article this week, I decided to share an excerpt. Please remember, this is a work-in-progress, so it hasn’t been edited.  The final may end up different. This scene introduces Lonnie. His brother, Ed shows up soon.




Something small, brown, and furry with a hairless tail scurried past my right ankle.

“Aack! it’s a mouse!” I shrieked.

Gabriel’s demeanor changed in a heartbeat. From easygoing to frustrated, with a dollop of fear thrown in for good measure. “It’s not a mouse, it’s a rat! Catch him!”

He had to be joking. I was frozen. Stuck between irreconcilable impulses to run for the street and leap on the desk. I had no time to chase after scaly tailed vermin.

Don’t get me wrong, I love animals. All animals.

Except rats.

Gabriel pushed past me, and I stumbled into the hallway.

“God dammit, Lonnie!” He yelled. “Get back here.” He chased the nine-inch-long rodent toward the kitchen.

The young men at the pool table doubled up with laughter. Gabriel paused long enough to chastise them. “Don’t just stand there. Check on Ed!” A brunette tween leaped from the couch and ran into Gabriel’s office.

Ed? Did that mean there was a second one?

My eyes whipped back and forth across the carpet. My feet danced. I hopped from left foot to right foot and back again, terrified that a second rodent was about to crawl up my pant leg.

The way I saw it, I had two choices: stay here and hope that Rat Boy’s twin didn’t chomp on my ankle or run after Gabriel to the kitchen, where hopefully one of the vermin would soon be corralled.

I chose option two.

To learn more about “the boys,” stay tuned for additional excerpts!

Tracy Weber

My newest Downward Dog Mystery, Pre-Meditated Murder is available now  in e-book and paper back copies everywhere! Check this link for some local ideas.

Celebrating New Beginnings

Many of you know that I recently sold my yoga studio, Whole Life Yoga, to the fabulous Kim Tull-Esterbrook.  Yesterday, Kim celebrated the studio’s re-birth, which seems so appropriate in this season of spring, Easter and new beginnings.  For those of you who weren’t able to attend, here’s a photographic tour of the day.

If you who don’t know Kim, you’re missing out! She is the lovely lady giving me a hug.  Kim has been my student, my assistant, and my friend for many years.  I adore her.  As I said at the party, selling Whole Life Yoga to her is like passing down my legacy to family.

She’s made a few improvements to the space, and I love them!  that shade of blue is one of my favorite colors.

But she’s also carrying on some of the old traditions, like serving my favorite vegan chocolate mousse cake!

The event began with a chant and blessing of the space led by the talented Julia Fay.

Kim invited me to say a few words.

Then she added some of her own.

After the formal part of the festivities, I snagged the first piece of that cake!

But I wasn’t alone.

Kim had a great turnout that spilled from the studio space …

to the lobby.  The gentleman below wearing the hat is Kim’s husband, Gavin, who she called the new Marc!  Another fabulous Whole Life Yoga instructor, Julie Miller, is the woman facing the photo.

People often ask me if I feel  melancholy now that the transition is official.  It would make sense, since the studio was a huge part of my life for 17 years.  But I can honestly say that I don’t. I feel gratitude that I have found someone to take over who honors what I’ve created, will improve it, and guide it into the future.  Please join me in supporting Kim and helping keep Whole Life Yoga alive and vibrant for the next 17 years!


Tracy Weber


My newest Downward Dog Mystery, Pre-Meditated Murder is available now  in e-book and paper back copies everywhere! Check this link for some local ideas.


I avoid political topics on my blog like the plague.  But ever since I saw this video yesterday–which was taken at this weekend’s  Northwest Yoga Conference in Seattle–I haven’t been able to repress a growing feeling of nausea.  So much so, that I’m posting this blog article one day early. I have to do something.

In this video, Savitri accepts a reward on behalf of her husband, Aadil, who was sick with pneumonia.   I do not know Savitri or Melissa (the other woman in this video, who was one of the conference organizers). I have, however, met Aadil.  We were on a yoga teacher training panel together many years ago.  Aadil is a yoga master with four times my years of experience. We come from different lineages, so I often disagreed with what he was saying, and vice versa.   In spite of my junior status to him, he listened to me and treated me with great respect.

Much more respect than was shown his wife this weekend.  To see what I mean, please fast forward or listen past the first five minutes.

Meditation Master disrespectfully KICKED OUT of yoga conference!

Meditation master, mother and wife of yoga master Aadil Palkhivala disrespected and KICKED OUT of conference for no reason! Female, Indian Meditation Master, and my mother, Savitri, who has been practicing and meditating on Love and Light for 35 years, was aggressively kicked out of “Be the Light” themed Northwest Yoga Conference just when she was going to speak about the Light. She was supposed to have 10 min to speak and accept an award for her husband Aadil Palkhivala, yoga master, who was unwell and couldn't attend. This exposes the falseness of modern yoga culture. Thank you for all who recognize and live true Yoga."To make it clear, I was given the honor and 10 minutes to speak. I asked Savitri, meditation master and my wife, to accept the honor on my behalf and speak in my place as I had bronchitis and pneumonia and could not attend. She very graciously agreed. It was a blessing to the conference to have a true master of light in their presence. No, there was no time issue. Because she did not even get the time of 10 minutes allotted to me but, the event started on time and the previous person who was also honored, humble and precious Bob Smith, simply accepted the honor and did not speak which meant that they had 10 extra minutes. It is sad that someone who claims to do yoga cannot even recognize a living master of light." – Aadil Palkhivala, co-owner of Alive & Shine Center and co-founder of Purna Yoga.The Story:Savitri and Aadil were to be both teaching at the Northwest Yoga Conference as well as paying for having a booth for their college and studio. Savitri graciously gave her income for her teachings as a gift to the Northwest Yoga Conference, and was intending to not make a profit.Aadil Palkhivala learned asana from BKS Iyengar since the age of 7 and has been teaching and living yoga around the world for over 50 years. He is known as one of the founding fathers of yoga in the US. He is also known as "the teacher of teachers" in the yoga world, featured in Yoga Journal and all over the world teaching teachers with numerous awards for integrity in yoga. He was to be awarded tonight at the Northwest Yoga Conference for being a respected yoga influencer, it was an award voted for by the yoga community. Savitri has been learning and teaching meditation and lifestyle techniques for over 30 years, helping thousands around the world find their light within. She is the founder of Heartfull Meditation practiced around the world. She had a traumatic life, her parents death as a teen, her sisters murder, her own deadly illnesses and much more. Her strength and wisdom has inspired many to make huge changes and find self-love. She is also a devoted mother and teaches around the world. Aadil and Savitri are co-founders of Purna Yoga College and Alive & Shine Center for over 25 years.Savitri was there to receive an award on Aadil Palkhivala's behalf and speak for the allotted time of 10 minutes. The audience was enjoying and so happy to hear Savitri's vote for female empowerment and real yoga when Melissa pulled her aside and had Savitri and her students/employees escorted out of the building. She then kicked Savitri and Aadil out of the conference itself, kicked the Alive & Shine Center employees and students out without reason. This is also after Alive and Shine Center had paid to have their booth and Aadil and Savitri were noted as teachers at the conference. Melissa, Northwest Yoga Conference director, disrespectfully interrupted, took Savitri off the stage at 5 minutes, though Aadil was promised 10 minutes.After this happened, many attendees left the room and told Savitri they were very upset what Melissa did, people even cried saying that it was unjust how Savitri was treated. Melissa has caused intentional infliction of emotional distress. Savitri was kicked out of the conference, even when their studio paid to have a booth and attend. This moment in the video is when Savitri was receiving Aadil Palkhivala's people award for being a master in the foundation of yoga today, and she spoke on the importance of light, love and integrity in yoga. She also spoke of the importance of female strength, empowerment and energy in all industries including yoga before being kicked out. Alive & Shine Center, Aadil and Savitri have now been kicked out of the conference for no reason at all.COMMENTS FROM ATTENDEES:"It was just so so strange. She was saying the most beautiful things. I was looking around while she was talking and seeing everyone nodding their heads and smiling and lighting up in response to her words. And then without any reason or explanation, she was rudely cut off and asked to leave the room, as if she had done something criminal. I’m truly shocked, and honestly still shaken by it." – E.P."As jarring as the interruption is, especially to the quietude of a yogic soul, I'm so warmed by the fact that Savitri didn't just smile and accept this. She spoke up and in so doing stood up not just for women (her topic at the time) but also for Aadil, herself, and the Yoga which they both so graciously hold." – G.K."Still stunned by witnessing this turn of events…..Savitri talking about Love and Light, capturing the hearts of the audience, and in the next minute…CENSORED!!!! And by force!!! Whats up with that? Feels Orwellian!" – M.R."My dear teachers Aadil Palkhivala and Savitri Savitri have been kicked out of the Northwest Yoga Conference by Melissa Phillips-Hagedorn for no reason! This is absolutely disrespectful! Aadil Palkhivala was nominated by Pacific Northwest community as a luminary and leader of the yoga world and was too sick to receive his award. His wife went to receive it on his behalf and was aggressively kicked off stage. Aadil has been featured countless times in Yoga Journal, won countless awards from 425 Magazine, filmed for Yoga International and Alive & Shine Center (formerly Yoga Centers), their home studio has won Best of Western Washington, best of 425 Magazine every year. This is NOT YOGA!" – M.Y.

Posted by Zenia Lumeria on Friday, February 23, 2018

Savitri is a yoga master in her own right, and, of course, a human deserving of respect.  There is obviously a backstory here, and I have no idea what it is.  As of this writing, the conference has declined to comment and has deleted any negative comments about the incident on social media. What I do know is that this was handled atrociously.  At the very best, they overreacted to a person who was less than one minute over her allocated time.  At the worst? Well, I don’t want to think about the worst.

Even though I’ve made my living teaching yoga and training yoga teachers for 17 years, I’ve never felt part of the “yoga community” in Seattle.  Instead, I’ve created community with my students. I’ve been wondering lately if that was a mistake.  Honestly, I’m still not sure.  Watching this, however, I’m convinced  that the issue holding me back is real.  Yoga is losing it’s ethics, it’s roots, and it’s power.  Yoga was never about trendy fashion, competitive stretching, or perfecting your handstand.  It’s about finding clarity, personal balance, and fostering active compassion.

May we get back to that soon.

Tracy Weber

Visit Me at Killer Characters

Hi all. I’m still one-handed, so this will be short and sweet. This week I’m blogging at Killer Characters. Actually, I should say that Michael Massey’s sister Shannon is there, talking about the mess her brother’s gotten into in my latest book, Pre-Meditated Murder. Check it out!


PS–Want your very own copy of Pre-Meditated Murder?It’s available now  in e-book and paper back copies everywhere! Check this link for some local ideas.

Happy Book Birthday!

Today is the official launch date of my newest Downward Dog Mystery, Pre-Meditated Murder! I’m knee-deep in Launchville for the next two weeks, and I hope you’ll join me!

Here are some opportunities:

Facebook Launch Party: Tonight!

We’ll be partying like teenagers from 5 -7 PM Seattle time tonight, with prizes, games, excerpts, and lots of virtual hugs!  Join the fun for five minutes or the full two hours!  All you have to do is click on this link and join in!

Great Escapes Blog Tour

Interviews, spotlights, reviews, and articles.  All at your fingertips!  Tour runs from January 8 – 21.

Book Signing a the Edmonds Bookshop!

I’m cutting back on book signings this year (too much to do!).  However I couldn’t miss out on my favorite bookstore, the Edmonds Bookshop.  Come see me on Saturday, February 3 from 1:00 – 2:00 PM.

I hope to see you at some or all of the events above.  In the meantime, please get your own copy of Pre-Meditated Murder, available at all booksellers, including the ones at the link below.

Remember, if you can’t afford to buy the book, asking for it at your local library is awesome!

Until next time,

Tracy and Crazy Pup Ana!

Winter Colds and Discounted Stress Reduction

Hi everyone!  ‘Tis the season to be busy–and, for me, evidently the season to be sick!  I’m on week two of the head cold from Hades, so today’s blog article will be short and sweet.  Whole Life Yoga is celebrating the holidays by offering the gift of discounted stress reduction.  Through the month of December, you can save on both our drop-in class passes and private yoga instruction!

Discounted Class Passes

For the rest of 2017, purchase a Whole Life Yoga 5/10/20-class pass and it will discounted from its normal price AND valid until 2019! Usually these passes expire in 90 days. Great Christmas gift idea! These can be purchased online or at the studio.

Rest of 2017 Resuming Jan 2018
5-class pass $75 (expires 1/1/2019) $80 (valid 90 days)
10-class pass $140 (expires 1/1/2019) $150 (valid 90 days)
20-class pass $230 (expires 1/1/2019) $250 (valid 90 days)


  • Normal rules apply (no cash refunds on class passes. Class passes are not transferable or shareable).
  • No discount on unlimited passes or single classes.
  • Not combinable with any other discounts, including teacher training discounts and 10% new student or post partum discounts.

Discounted Private Instruction with Yours Truly!

The perfect opportunity for a practice tune-up or individualized yoga therapy with Tracy Weber, Whole Life Yoga’s founder and certified yoga therapist.

For the rest of 2017, purchase discounted private sessions with Tracy Weber. An extra-great deal, since our prices will be going up in 2018! Give yourself or someone you love the perfect Christmas gift. Promotion only available online.

Promotional price (pre-paid sessions must be used by January 1, 2019) Price beginning January 1, 2018
Single 55-minute private sessions $90
$80 ($10 savings!)
Four 55-minute private sessions $340
$290 ($50 savings!)


Private sessions can be held at our studio, in your home, or at another mutually agreed-upon location. Travel charges apply for sessions more than 3 miles from the studio.

Not in the area? Contact Tracy for phone or Skype sessions!

Email for more information or to schedule a session.

Thanks all, and stay healthy!



All four books in the Downward Dog Mystery Series are available at booksellers everywhere!

Do You Think He Likes Me? And a CONTEST!

Lovely sexy girl in checkered short skirt against white background

Hey all!  Today I’m (or rather Tiffany is) blogging at Killer Hobbies.  She’s talking about the cute hot yoga instructor she’s hoping to date and an adventure she’s about to go on with Kate.

There’s also a contest!

il_570xN.118357980[1][1]Check out the article, get to know Tiffany a little better, and enter to win these dog and crossbones notecards, which are created by a Seattle artist!

Good luck and I’ll see you back here next week!

Tracy Weber


All four books in the Downward Dog Mystery Series are available at booksellers everywhere!

Everyone’s the Hero of Their Own Story

For the past four years, my husband and I have lived in my office. It started out by necessity.  Our German shepherd, Tasha was unable to walk up and down stairs for the last three years of her life. When we got a puppy, moving two flights of stairs from her potty yard seemed, well, unwise.

Now that Ana’s almost eight months old, we’re making the move, so to speak, of living in our entire house. A house that has been a 2400-square-foot storage space for the past four years. Needless to say, I’m sorting through and discarding lots of stuff.

In the process, I came across a handwritten page. I wrote it while I was flying to be by my mother’s side during the last days of her life. It’s over a year old, and I don’t know how much wisdom it offers, but perhaps it will have meaning to some of you.

Heart of beautiful pink dried roses on old wooden background

Crime writers have a saying: “Everyone’s the hero in their own story.” By this they mean that every character we write—even the most heinous villain—believes that they had valid reasons for their actions. From their point of view (albeit sometimes a skewed one) the murderer “had” to kill. The sleuth “had” to solve the crime. It’s all in perspective.

As it is in families.

My mother and I had a fractured relationship for as long as I can remember. I’m not sure if it was because we were so completely different from each other or because we were so blindingly the same. If you heard our story from her perspective, I’m sure it sounded much different than my version. In fact, I know it did. In the end, the only way we could coexist was to not tell it, at least not to each other. It worked, for the most part.

I’ve spent most of my adult life finding my own way. Healing, if you will, from the past traumas between us.

And now it is time to say goodbye.

The next few weeks will undoubtedly be hard. Well-meaning friends offer advice. Most people tell me to make sure I take care of myself. Others assert that this is a time for my mother and me to finally heal; for us to reconcile the hurts of the past. I’m not sure either is possible.

You see, the cancer she’s fought for the past year has spread to her brain. The soul inside her body is still my mother, but she’s not able to communicate. I’m not sure she fully understands, either. I have no idea what, if anything, she’ll be able to tell me. The only thing I know for sure is this:

Forgiveness has no meaning; anger no place. Hurt remains, though transformed. All I can do is be present, and I will do that with one-hundred-percent of my being.

I hope there’s an afterlife. I hope the conditions for entry are different than I was taught in childhood Sunday school classes, because my mother didn’t share my father’s and my faith. The Yoga Sutras are echoingly silent on the subject, asking instead for us to each find our own way. To be completely honest, I find this both warmly comforting, and chillingly terrifying.

So for now, the best I can say is this: May my mother’s end be graceful, her journey peaceful, her destination filled with love. That is my hope for all of us.



The Psychology of Murder


Hey all!  This week I’m blogging at Inkspot (the blog for the writers of Midnight Ink)  about the psychology of murder, or more specifically, how I integrate the psychology of crime into my mystery series.  Check it out!

See you there!

Tracy Weber

PS–all three books in my Downward Dog mystery series are now available!  Learn more at  Thanks for reading!