Hi all!
Today, I’d like to share with you a blog article I wrote recently for Killer Characters. The article is officially written by Judith, one of the characters in Karma’s a Killer, but she recounts a story about a real-life pigeon that used to live at Whole Life Yoga, and the day I saved him after a near-fatal hawk attack. You can read the account that I wrote on that day at this link.
The blog on Killer characters can be found at http://www.killercharacters.com/2018/06/wildlife-rehab-can-be-murder.html
Oh–and Karma’s A Killer is now available in audiobook on Audible!
Tracy Weber
My newest Downward Dog Mystery, Pre-Meditated Murder is available now in e-book and paper back copies everywhere! Check this link for some local ideas. http://tracyweberauthor.com/buy_premeditated.html